Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is paramount at Willington
Our pupils thrive within a community of warmth, care and personal development, where parents, children and teachers work together and have an open dialogue to ensure the best possible outcome for every student.
Self-esteem, happiness and constant encouragement create the foundations of success, both in and out of the classroom. The four pillars of respect, kindness, humility and honesty are actively encouraged and rewarded.
Mental Health Champions
A number of our teachers and school staff are qualified Mental Health Champions. In partnership with the charity Place2be our team are on hand for children who may require a boost in the short term. This could be as a result of data collected from the PASS (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School) survey that all children undertake.
Our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) meets with children weekly on a referral basis and offers support to those who may need help with strategies to improve self-esteem.
School Psychologist
In conjunction with our Deputy Heads, our onsite school psychologist is available privately to meet with children in the mid to longer term. This is a referral service in partnership with Parents.
Our full-time Matrons looks after those with minor illnesses or injuries and administers First Aid when necessary. In the event of a child feeling unwell, they will be sent to our warm and friendly Matrons to oversee their care while liaising with their parents. Matron also dispenses any medication required throughout the School day.