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Mrs Emma Spurgeon

Year 3 Class Teacher

BEd (Hons) Tenzing House

Willington Life - I joined Willington in 2016, and amongst other roles taught maths to Years 4 and 5 before starting to work in Year 3.  I love playing the clarinet and I run a woodwind group on Friday mornings before school.

First School - a nursery school in Sydney where my parents were living at the time.  I have no idea what its real name is as we always called it the "Mouse House School" as my favourite thing in it were the pet mice in a model house.

Fondest Childhood Memory - One thing I remember clearly about my own primary school, which was near Ascot, was that on race days we would all go and stand by the roadside and wait for the Queen to come past in her carriage as she went to attend the races.