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Week Ending 27th April 2018

It has been a busy first full week back in action for many, but particularly for the Year 8s concluding their Common Entrance Mock Exams in preparation for the real thing in June. They will have been grateful for a drop in the temperature, but not so our cricketers, as, typically, the first full week of the season has seen the weather hit the reset button after the brief foray into high summer. There were, however, some encouraging performances against an always competitive Hampton Prep. Special mention must go to the Under 11 Bs for a great team effort.

Congratulations are again due to some of our older students. Oskar has been awarded a 13+ Art Scholarship to St John’s and Sam (also in Year 8) has been awarded a Drama Exhibition to King’s - do watch out for him in our forthcoming School production Pantastic!  This means we now have 13 Scholarships so far this year from our boys in Year 6 and in Year 8, all of which will be displayed on the Honours Board in due course.

Year 3 were on great form this afternoon at their Ancient Egyptian Book Launch in the Main Hall. Parents were invited to look at the results of their fantastic work over the last few weeks and were even treated to a song and some cakes - the perfect way to start the weekend!

It has been good to see the ever popular Code Club make a welcome return with Mr Currie this week and the ‘Full House’ sign has appeared on the door every lunchtime. A reminder also that Touch Typing Club is taking place in the mornings on Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8.00am to 8.30am.

The boys involved in the Pantastic production are busy with their final preparations ahead of ‘show week’ next week. There has been a huge effort here, with months of rehearsals led by Director, Saskia Wilkinson, and her team, and I am sure all the hard work will be worth it (more to come in next week’s Newsletter).

The major news from the sporting world in the last few days (obviously apart from Blackburn’s promotion back to the Championship!) has been Mo Salah’s one-man Roman Conquest for Liverpool in the Champions League. I do hope this will inspire our Parents to dust off their boots and take part in the POW Annual Football Tournament at Drax in three weeks’ time. Whether you are dancing the night away tomorrow, or have other plans, I hope you have a great weekend.

Marcus Tattersall
Acting Headmaster