Week commencing 5th March 2018
You would be forgiven for thinking November 5th had come around 9 months early this week, given the crashes, flashes, bangs and wallops during the brilliant Science Week Assemblies on Monday and Tuesday. The boys in Years 4-8 were transfixed by the different experiments that Mrs Joshi and the Science Team showcased. Further trips to such places as London Zoo capped off an action packed, fun filled week, which enhanced the boys’ curiosity for all things scientific.
The sporting week was dominated by the rearranged Tower House Shield contest. As ever, matches between the two schools in all the major sports over the years have been so evenly contested that there is never a clear favourite before the action begins. This proved to be the case again, with Tower House just edging proceedings 3-2. The Senior boys in Years 7 and 8 put up brave resistance, but, ultimately, they were overpowered. However, the Under 11s were victorious with a 5-1 win. A very tight and physical first half had the scores level at 0-0, but, with a few words of wisdom from Mr Peacock and the advantage of playing downhill in the second half, the boys played some of their best rugby all season. The Under 8s shared the spoils against Finton House on Tuesday, with the A-Ds all in action. As ever, Willington sport is all about inclusivity and it is great to see so many boys playing inter school fixtures this season.
After being thwarted by last week’s arctic blast, our Reception boys ventured to the Forest School on the Common for the first time on Friday and appeared to have great fun collecting sticks for their ‘stick man’ books. This partnership continues on Fridays throughout the Spring and it is terrific to be able to use such a fantastic facility that is right on our doorstep.
Slightly further away from the Common is Northern France and it is across the Channel by Eurostar that our Year 7 boys will be travelling next week on their annual trip. We look forward to hearing about their adventures as the week progresses. Enjoy the weekend, wherever it may take you, and Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday.